Sunday 12 February 2012

afternoon storms

We went up to the valley for a dip into the creek today cos it was hot and still with the sort of blue skies which means its likely to have an afternoon storm

Which we got

On the way home we dropped into the Hinze Dam to see what they've been doing there and I took this shot of back up into the valley where we'd just come from.

Now that I'm home and having a look at the snap from my phone the storm has caught up with us and its here with thunder rolling around in the background.


PS some video


  1. Lucky you. It's a -9c here in Toronto as I write this.

  2. Be careful. First you admire the quality of the phone's imager. Then you think it would be nice to touch it up a bit...highlight/shadow recovery, levels etc. Then before you know it you're thinking a bit of sharpening would make it printable, then a border would really add to it...before you know it you're putting up with the phone part of the iPhone to get the photography Apps.

    Great shot bye the way.

  3. its a slippery slope isn't it :-)
