Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Korean Food

Its been a little while since I was in South Korea (and quite a bit has happened since then too) but as I was browsing through my images I came across a few that reminded me that I should put up some more of my experiences there (and perhaps help the tourist trade a little bit). My older pages on my last trip there (where I stayed for 4 months) are here.

One of the things that I loved about Korea was the food, its often a simple case of providing tasty ingredients together in a colourful and tasteful combination.

Fresh vegetables and leaves feature highly as does sea food (especially along the coasts ;-) While we were in Pusan we had a number of very tasty dishes like this one.

which is basically sea squirt served with some vegetables and of course some chilli paste.

Its wise to remember the Chilli for those who are not use to it. Even if you are brave of heart and tongue if you've not spent some time getting used to it then a sudden hit will result in having to deal with more than just the hot mouth for a few minutes. A local toilet seemed to be giving warnings of this (if a little too late)

too late chill Warning

But if you get the chance to go to South Korea do it by all means! Don't restrict your eating to the fancy western looking places but if you are able to have a go at communicating you'll find some really excellent food there.

And Busan is beautiful by night up on the hill too!

have fun!

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