Friday, 1 January 2016

New Years thoughts

Ten years ago I was in a new relationship with the woman who would become my wife. We were in China and celebrating the new year

Starting 2006 on a frozen river seemed like a totally new direction was happening in my life. It was and I found a permanent bond with a new land.

We lived and loved and in the three years since she has gone I still feel the gifts of her love.

I do wish that she was still here.

Time is short my friends, live life , plan for a good future but do not waste the present; all too soon it may become the past.

I wish you Peace


  1. Glad to see some new posts. Again...happy new year my friend :)

  2. Life is unpredictable. It's better to have shorter life lived to the fullest with love than a long life with no love. You have loved and no doubt was loved deep, my friend, and therefore luckier than many.
