Sunday, 31 March 2019

who listens to music anymore

I mean really, HiFi is dead.

Most people have $1500 phones, but nothing more than a cheap set of headphones. Nobody sits down and listens to good speakers, quiet rooms and good (genuine) bass development ...

Even decent Book Shelf speakers seems rare

even these small ones in a mid sized room give a musical quality that headphones done (especially cheap ear style buds I see everyone using via their smartphones).

Its all too often just in the car.



  1. It's amazing how some of these modern small speakers (not counting the extremely expensive Bose gear!) can sound so good. I still remember replacing the boxes in a set of speakers many years ago with home made ones using a large OMO carboard can, loaded with padding and an egg shell glued to the centre of the double cone speaker so that the highs would spread around instead of only straight ahead.
    They sounded good (! :) :) ), but any of these modern ones would beat them in a flash nowadays!

  2. Noons, I agree about the bookshelf speakers ... the pictured one is mine and its amazingly good for what it is.
