Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Mercane brake cable wear issue

There is a problem with the Mercane Wide Wheels that has emerged over my time of usage and which I recently found after reading a thread on the subject.

The issue is that as the suspension moves up and down because of the geometery of the suspension the cable guide must run past a cast alloy part of the chassis. This is it here:

(and LOL, a perfect shot of my wheel dent too)

Looking more closely you can see that the plastic covering of the sheath has worn exposing the inner spiral of metal which is the cable guides strength (needed to allow the cable inside to move).

you can see clearly here its worn through the plastic but will take a LOT longer to wear through the metal.

This slow motion video shows exactly what happens as one of my friends just lightly bounces up and down on the scooter in the room

So while this is not an urgent fix I will attend to it this weekend because I don't want dirt / dust and particularly water (mixed with the above) getting in and fouling the cable. To be honest such will take quite some time,its already been 3 months and many miles to this point.

I will do a follow up post with my solution (which I expect to be pretty simple).

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