Tuesday, 17 September 2019

what's fast enough?

I can say that from my experience in motor bikes that "wanting a bit more speed" is a seductive and in reality beguiling goal. Its cyclic because when you get something faster it doesn't take long before its "pedestrian" and you need faster to feel like you're going fast.

Same is true with scooters.

On my blog I've put up quite a few posts showing distances, speed as numbers, and even speed relative to a bicycle (however in a more open road). Speed feels fast relative to whats around, and more related to how close things are to give a sense of how things are moving relative to you. Look out the window of a jet at 30,000 feet and if feels as if nothing is happening, but you're going much faster than when you were taking off.

So tonight I tried to make a quick video of me going to where the local shops are (just around the corner) where things are more crowded and lots is happening in close. In a situation like this 24km/h is really the sensible speed limit (as well as the one imposed by law in Australia), even a little fast at times.

So if that's not fast enough for your wants then ... well at least you know the Mercane isn't for you ;-)

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