Saturday, 21 March 2020

Wide wheel swing arm cover fix

The bases of the plastic side covers on the Widewheel just seem to break all the time, no matter how I've tried they just destroy the base of the plastic. Until now I've used a variously some Silicon and lately the Gaffa tape solution (which is pretty good but falls off after a while).

The covers are more than just decoration they  protect the motor interior from water ingress along the wires when its wet. So I've made what I believe to be a good fix with M3 nylon screws.  I think it looks neat and I hope its durable.

I've used duct tape (which is different to gaffer tape) to cover the heads of the screws (which are clear but have white washers) and hopefully stop any vibration loosening.

In that video I used two lengths of screw:

  • 12mm and 
  • 25mm.
  • washers: M3 
  • and M4 (as spacers if needed, used 2)

In the video I show fitting the first but I fitted all without too much hassle. I just needed to clear the thread on one of the swing-arm fitment points from old permatex and I needed to trim a few mm off one of the bolts on another. I also needed to retighten  (and or course re-permatex) one of the swingarm bolts (as per here)



  1. Great idea! Can you give a little more detail about the size of the nylon screws you are using? I tried screen grabbing your bag on the video but its covered by your finger a little. Just want to make sure I get the correct size. Thanks!

  2. Glad you like it. I guess you came to the blog via youtube, and perhaps didn't read the blog before posting. The size is given in 2nd Para and then specific details of lengths even in the bullet points. Perhaps you didn't know that M3 is a specific size.

