Saturday, 27 February 2021

mistakes I make

 I have a Gin that I prefer called Tanqueray, I had long since stopped touching Gin (because I didn't like the taste) but was given a try of some modern "high end" aromatic Gin that costs more than I'm willing to commonly spend. However I liked that (Taylor & Smith) so much I started looking for a "middle ground" and found Tanqueray. Its a pleasant palate and nice aromatic too, and not much more expensive than the "lower middle" stuff.

However recently I found it was sold out pretty much everywhere in my area, so still wanting a Gin & Tonic on the back lawn after doing the mowing I thought I'd give Gordons another shot (its been literally decades), perhaps based in a small on the fact that "Bond seems to prefer it" ... and I recently watched Casino Royale.

A friend had remarked to me that "one of his friends would drink his own piss before drinking Gordons again". I thought that this was perhaps an inappropriate comparison, but it seems there are people who drink their own piss and do so for health.


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