I have an old saying which I developed when determining (many decades ago now) if I needed to upgrade my 35mm outfit to a 6x7 medium format outfit (back in the daze of film):
How much detail do you want to throw away?
because seldom do you need everything that (even 35mm film) the camera can capture. This is more pronounced in a day when people still wank on about that huge billboard print but then look at pictures on InstaGram on their phone.
Well DPReview have produced the review and (to me, all) important Studio scene comparison (I've got no time for slick wankerTV blabbering on about bullshit which isn't important to me) to allow me to see at a glance what I need to know
The costs of the step up are:
- Moiré in the fine detail
- more than 4 times the RAW file size (still hasn't seemed to sink in that double the detial is 4 times the file size): meaning much more power in desktop processing
- nearly double the mass
- insane 30fps drive (and that's a traditional insane not "wow I want that" insane)
- body only price of around €7,300
So if its the camera you need (I'm guessing only for a number of top level pros) then its great that stuff like this is made to do so well as to challenge the capacity of your lenses (and maybe add another few dozen thousand to your bill). But if you're like me then its really nothing I want.
Interestingly if I did want more than the amount of pixels that the A7 puts out I can try some software which by all accounts is now getting pretty good (if you need those high res road side posters); for example the new offering by Adobe
So it seems I'm still very well served by my:
- 2009 Panasonic GH-1 (stills but mostly video now) {cost about AU$1000}
- 2009 Panasonic GF-1 (stills with occasional video {cost about AU$100}
- 2014 Sony A7 (stills with maybe 1 video made) {cost about AU$500}
- GoPro Hero 3+ (action video) {kindly donated, but costs around AU$50 now}
- 2016 Oppo Phone {cost about AU$250}
This outfit allows me to have (as I deem I need for a job) more compact or more competent in a variety of situations, in most cases people can't really tell what took what. Even I need to look at the data to know which took which with what lens
It seems to me that for most people too much is never enough.
Didn’t know you were a photographer as well. A Canon guy myself but just recently moved out of Rebel territory into their R cameras (just an RP in the budget here). Lois Lane has an M6 Mark II. Works for us.
ReplyDelete- Clark Kent