There has been a lot of development in the area of Artificial Heart Valves over the years, which is good cos some of the early models were a bit clunky.
I'm hoping that the surgeon chooses to implant the On-X valve for me, which unlike many others is made of carbon and has some unique and interesting properties (such as coagulation properties).

The other choice that the surgeon seems to be considering will be the one from ATS Medical (also pyrolytic carbon). Since he (rather than me) has more experience in this matter (implanting valves) I'll be relying on him to make the final choice "when he's in there and sees what he finds".
I anticipate that I'll be back and able to continue my life (and my blog) in a few weeks.
Part of writing this is to express that I'm often disappointed to see people who are slack arsed lazy wastes of skin, doing nothing with their lives and often just abusing their bodies and wasting their good health.
Life for me has been a battle to have what I want and do what I want, so I take nothing for granted and revel in every success. You see I was born with an Aortic valve which did not "split" properly at embryonic development (commonly called a bicuspid aorta). So I had my first surgery (open heart surgery) when I was about 11. In this surgery they attempted to repair my valve.
This lasted till I was about 28 and rapid deterioration of my valve led to another surgery where I received a transplant from someone else. That lasted for nearly twenty years, during which time I've been lucky enough to enjoy good health (through hard work, careful training and a stubborn attitude), develop my self (though education and experience) work in interesting places and travel around the world.
My message to you today is to take your life by the neck and get out of it everything you ever wanted. Don't sit on your arse with your finger in your navel, get up and live it. When I was younger the surgeons and doctors regularly told me (and my parents) to be careful, not over exert myself and to live within my limits. My reaction to this was to know what my limits were and actively and intelligently pursue what they were.
Unlike most kids of 10 I was introduced to the concept that I could be dead quite early on. I think that it was something quite formative for my personality and my view on life. Life IS what you make it, sure you may get dealt a bum hand now n then, but play your cards to the best you can and go for it.
I know while I prepare to go to the hospital I'll be thinking of the wonderful things I've been lucky to share and experience
and heaps of other places which are too numerous to mention here...
So my goal now will be to recover my health so I can spend time with my lovely wife

and get out with friends taking photographs of the beautiful world we live in...

So my message in this blog post is to encourage you all who read this don't be limited by your perceptions and go out and live life while you're alive

(hope to) see you next week
Good luck with the surgery. Hope all goes well and to see continued posts from you! Love the FInland river picture.
I had no idea..... you will be in my thoughts and I sincerely hope that all goes well on Friday and with your recovery. I will be waiting to hear from you when you are well enough, even just to know that everything is OK. Knowing that physically and mentally you maintain yourself in the best condition to be able to cope with this will be a source of strength. Take care, Colin
Everything will be fine. You have such bright outlook on life, you will live long to enjoy it. Waiting to read your next blog entry.
Good luck with the hardware upgrade mate and best wishes for a quick recovery.
Get well soon. I bumped into your blog today and I have instant love and aspiration to your work. Will pray for you tonight.
you're in my prayers
Yikes! All the best! Looking forward to your return...
I have been 'offering' a daily sweetgrass smudge towards a speedy and successfull outcome.
Looking forward to the 'all went well message'
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